This page provides guidance to the CEN Members for the practical use of the WORD-based template for sending comments at all stages of approval of a document.
1.1 The template contains a number of 8 columns, the use of which is explained in this guide.
1.2 The Commenting Form template.
Name the comments file in accordance with the following convention:
File Type + Number + Part number + Member Body Acronym + Format
• Comments on prEN 123-4 by AFNOR: en123p4-afnor.doc (where the letter "p" stands for part)
• Comments on prEN ISO 345 by DIN: eniso345-din.doc
• Comments on prEN 456 Amendment 1 by UNI: en456a1-uni.doc
1.3 In case of Technical Reports (TR), the word file with your comments and the ballot reply form shall be attached to an e-mail and sent directly to the originating TC Secretary.
1.4 In case of a (parallel) CEN Enquiry, Formal Vote (FV), or in case of Technical Specifications (TS), the CEN Members shall exclusively vote and deliver their comments on the E-balloting platform on Livelink.
• Date: fill in the date when the comments were submitted.
• Document: enter the reference number of the draft standard to which the comments relate.
2.2.1 Member Body (MB) [compulsory]
Fill in the two-letter country code for the country represented by the member body (MB) according to
ISO 3166.
The two-letter country code must be entered in each row, i.e. for each individual comment.
If the template is used by an external liaison organization or an ISO or IEC committee in liaison, the name or acronym of the liaison organization or the committee reference should be entered in this column.
Comments prepared by the editing department in the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre will be indicated by "CCMC".
2.2.2 Clause No./Subclause No./Annex [compulsory]
Indicate the clause/subclause to which the comment refers. If the comment refers to the whole document, please choose General in this column. Enter only the number of the clause and do not add "clause" or "cl." in front of the number.
2.2.3 Paragraph/Figure/Table/Note
Indicate the paragraph (inside a clause), figure, table or note to which a comment refers.
2.2.4 Type of comment (general/technical/editorial) [compulsory]
Choose the type most relevant for your comment. The following types are available: general, technical or editorial. Only enter the short form for the type, i.e. ge, te or ed.
2.2.5 Comment (justification for change) by the MB [compulsory]
Enter your comment in this column and explain the reason for the comment. If you wish to submit figures in addition to the textual comments on the particular clause/subclause referred to in the Clause field, insert them as separate files either in this column or in the column Proposed change by the MB.
To insert a file, proceed as follows (using WORD):
2.2.6 Proposed change by the MB
If appropriate, enter a modified version of the clause, paragraph or section of the clause or paragraph in this column. You may wish to include a separate file in this column
2.2.7 Secretariat observations on each comment submitted
This column is used by the committee secretariat/editing committee to indicate the decision taken on each comment. This column shall be left empty by the member bodies when they submit their comments.