The main objective of a Business Plan (BP) of a Technical Committee (TC) is to provide a concise and up-to-date overview in a user-friendly format for interested stakeholders from within and outside the committee of important business, technological, environmental, accessibility and social trends in the field addressed by the work of the CEN committee. The BP shall provide an analysis of these trends as well as an explanation of the linkages between them and the priority areas in the standards development work of the committee.
Each active TC is recommended to prepare and maintain its own BP. The drafting of a Business Plan is no longer mandatory.
The types of stakeholders of a committee addressed by a BP are
Information needs to be keyed into the enclosed TC Business Plan template as indicated in the 'Drafting Instructions', which are included in the BP template itself.
3.1 First BP of a TC
A newly created technical committee is recommended to prepare a BP for approval by the CEN Technical Board (BT) in accordance with the TC Business Plan template.
3.2 Maintenance of existing BPs
The BP of a technical committee shall be reviewed by the TC at each plenary meeting and preferably once per year. The review may result in:
NOTE: All approved BPs are made available by CCMC on the publicly accessible area of the CEN website for public review, comment and information.
Other information (e.g. regarding the Work Programme and project target dates, the list of published standards, the committee structure, etc.) is taken from the central CCMC database and made available on the CEN website together with the filled in template.