This page explains how to operate with Subcommittees
The CEN Optimization process identified a three-layer model as an ideal for the organization of the CEN technical structures:
The three-layer model does not recognize a continued need for the Subcommittees (SCs) and confirms the principle of the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 2, 3.3.1 that a CEN Technical Committee should function through Working Groups alone.
BT/WG 103 was therefore set up by the CEN Technical Board to consider possible improvements to the technical structures, and, in particular, the role of Subcommittees within the context of the three-layer model.
The main target of CEN's work is the development of ENs and Technical Committees must have the right size and structure to play their appropriate role in this work.
Through its resolution BT 53/1999 "TC Restructuring - Way to proceed", the Technical Board decided on how to proceed.
The creation of new Subcommittees is not allowed.
Furthermore, new work items should not be allocated to the work programme of a Subcommittee. If allocation of a new Work Item is considered necessary, the reasons shall be documented and justified.
Existing Subcommittees should be treated in different ways, according to specific circumstances.
The decision on how to proceed should be taken by the parent Technical Committee (with the assistance of CEN/TCMG or CEN Technical Board, if so desired), as soon as the Technical Committee wishes so but on the condition that the migration to the new structure is achieved (when the last work item in the Subcommittee work programme reaches Stage 45.99 (receipt of text for vote));
Ways to proceed:
• the Subcommittee does no technical work,
• the number of Working Groups under the Subcommittee is small,
• its work programme is not extensive.
In this case, the Working Groups of the Subcommittee will become Working Groups of the Technical Committee. Responsibility for the complete programme of work will therefore be transferred to the Technical Committee.
In this case, the Working Groups of the Subcommittees will be disbanded too, with the responsibility for maintenance of the relevant standards transferred to the Technical Committee.
• concentrate on technical management;
• constitute Working Groups to do technical elaboration of standards without re-opening technical debates of Working Groups;
• refrain from technical detailed discussions on draft standards and from undertaking "Subcommittee enquiries" on drafts;
• decide the progressing (to CEN Enquiry, to Formal Vote) of drafts by simple majority voting.