In order to comply with the new EU Reg. 2022/2480 amending EU Reg. 1025/2012, the CEN and CENELEC voting rules as described in CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations – Part 2 (IR2), clause 6 have been adapted. Clause 6 is subdivided in two:
It is crucial that mandated (N)WIs (or non-mandated ones) are correctly marked as such in the database (i.e. Projex-online) when launching the procedures because the voting policy - either clause 6.2 or clause 6.4 – will depend on that information. CCMC has to be promptly informed.
All possible outcomes are included in the tables in the following user guides:
The approval process of EN, TS and TR not related to an SReq (or a valid mandate) is described in IR2 clause 6.2: there is no change in the voting process if compared with previous IR2 edition.
The only novelty is that by default the outcome of the voting of Blue-type Members will be always displayed in the voting result, also for non-mandated work. This is just a safety net in case the information in the database was not correct (e.g. a mandated WI was marked as non-mandated) and it was needed to trace back the Blue-type Members vote.
For mandated ENs, TSs and TRs which are needed for the fulfilment of an SReq (or valid mandate), the outcome of the votes at NWI approval, Enquiry or Formal Vote stage is subject to a “double counting”, in line with IR2 clause 6.4. i.e.:
In case of discrepancies, the final decision is taken by the Blue-type Members after discussion in the relevant BT(s).
For ENs and TSs a decision is approved if the Blue-type members' vote is positive. If the Blue-type members’ vote is negative and ALL members vote positive, the item is “pending”. In that case, the topic should be preliminary discussed by the relevant TC within 2 weeks. TCs are recommended to plan a meeting/call or other forms of interaction to come to an agreement on a recommendation to BT(s).
The matter, including the TC advice, will be brought to BT(s) within 2 weeks. If no consensus can be reached among BT members, the final decision will be taken by the Blue-type BT members by weighted vote.
If all members and Blue-type members vote is negative, the proposal is not approved and stops.
NOTE: in case of “pending” outcome at Enquiry, TCs are recommended not to skip Formal Vote and discuss the matter, together with all other Enquiry comments, at the planned TC meeting. In this case, there is no need to escalate to BT, the outcome of FV can be awaited and the TB Secretary needs to contact CCMC Production Team ( who will register the outcome ‘Disapproved after TC advice’ in eBalloting.