This page specifies the actions required for the adoption by CEN Technical Committees (TC) of delegated decisions. It also provides more information on their follow-up by the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC) and the Technical Board (BT).
1.1 The BT delegated some of its decision-making power to TCs. Thus, the TC Secretary checks whether a proposed decision is in the list of delegated decisions and whether all required information is available.
1.2 The TC Secretary prepares the draft Decision in accordance with the formatted templates for delegated Decisions provided by CCMC.
1.3 The TC Secretary submits the proposed draft Decision to the TC members during the plenary meeting or by correspondence through the Committee Internal Balloting (CIB) for voting by simple majority or weighted vote depending on the decision to be taken.
NOTE: In line with Decision BT 28/2016, TCs and SCs shall use CIB for all decisions taken by correspondence. In particular, decision BT 10/2016, underlines that the CIB shall systematically be used for the creation of new work items (NWIs) as well as for the activation of preliminary work items (PWIs) into NWIs (2-month ballot). For creating PWIs, a decision can be taken during TC meetings, but, this needs to be announced on the draft agenda (distributed 2 months before the meeting).
1.4 The TC Secretary assesses the voting results.
If the voting results are positive, the TC Secretary sends the adopted TC Decision, as electronic file attached to an e-mail, to CCMC ( within 2 weeks after the approval of the Decision.
For the Creation of New Work items (adoption of a new work item, adoption of a new preliminary work item or activation of a preliminary work item), the Decision is submitted via the PROJEX-ONLINE Working Area.
If the voting results are negative, the TC Secretary redrafts the Decision (go back to Clause 1.2) or stops the process.
1.5 CCMC checks the Decision as supplied by the TC Secretary.
If there is insufficient information, the TC Secretary is asked to resend the Decision with the missing information.
If sufficient information is provided, CCMC updates the database within 2 weeks of receipt of the Decision and communicates the approved Decision to the BT members (via the weekly Delegated Decision Dispatch, DDD).
1.6 Should there be any relevant comment from a BT member within 2 weeks from the circulation of an approved Decision, CCMC informs all BT members thereof and proceeds in accordance with the management by exception principle in case of fundamental comments and objections.
1.7 The TC Secretary implements the approved Decision.