This page gives guidance on the classification of material, of documents, documentation and communication material managed by CEN technical bodies (mainly Technical Committees (TC), Subcommittees (SC) and/or Working Groups (WG)), which may be accessible on an information site with or without password protection.
This policy is, directly or indirectly, applicable to all the elements constituting the CEN System, in particular to the CEN Members and to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC).
Other actors, such as the European Commission (EC), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the CEN associated members, are requested to respect the legitimate rights and obligations of the latter.
This is also applicable, under the relevant CEN Member responsibilities, to the organisations to which the CEN Members may have entrusted (subcontracted) the secretariats of CEN/TCs, SCs and WGs.
The classification in this topic is intended to provide a guide to the degree of access rights for the various types of documents with a proposal for the associated requirements and conditions such as free and password-controlled access. It lists the various types of documentation, which could, one day, be put on a web site. The need for access can be either 'read-only' or 'read-and-write' (e.g.: editing, processing).
In this document:
Generally, these are documents that are elaborated in support of the functioning of the technical bodies (TC, SC and/or WG) above-mentioned. They are standardization process related and also comprise the various types of communications in and amongst them.
This is parts of, and consolidated added value information, related to the programming, the planning, the structuring and related resources, the justification for work and progress. This information should be limited to the TC-SC-WG chain.
With "work programme" is meant a combination of: project number, title, document reference, general progress data expressed in one of the following expressions: available, under approval, under development, the identification of the responsible TC/SC/WG, the responsible TC secretariat (NSB) and secretary.
These are documents where the origin and authorship lies outside the technical bodies (TC, SC, WG and Workshops) environment. It can include documents of other TCs (to be accessed on their part of the web site on their conditions).