Person (or a team) working for a CEN Member (staff member) who provides support to a TC Working Group (WG) and in particular to its Convenor to ensure that the WG works efficiently.
This support is called
The CEN Member commits to provide the necessary resources and availability of a skilled person (or team) delivering the support to the WG.
This commitment is recorded by CCMC in GD, Projex-online and available on CEN website.
It is recommended that a service agreement be established between the WG Convenor and the CEN member assuming the support (and possibly the TC secretariat). This service agreement should be based on the Matrix of responsibilities approved by CEN/BT. The TC Secretariat, the WG Convenor and the CEN member providing support are free to discuss and agree upon assignment of tasks, with the exception of the responsibilities exclusively assigned to the TC secretary, the WG Convenor or the CEN member providing support.
The following responsibilities shall be carried out by the support (not by the WG Convenor):
Upon agreement with the WG Convenor, the support may be in charge of other responsibilities (see the Matrix of responsibilities and the 'Development of CEN Deliverables').
For deliverables under a Standardization Request, in particular harmonised standards, the Qualified support shall carry out the following additional responsibilities:
For more details see 'Drafting European standards for citation in the OJEU'
Confirmation of the commitment of a CEN Member to provide support is a precondition for appointing the WG Convenor and shall be part of the decision.
Acknowledged by the TC prior to the appointment of the WG Convenor for the duration of the Convenor’s term of office (i.e. appointed for a period not exceeding 6 years, successive extensions of not more than 3 years are possible).
The support can be provided by any CEN Member.
The person providing support to the WG is registered as 'WG Secretary' in Projex-online and GD by CCMC.
The TC Secretary is required to bring the absence of a registered support or of a WG Secretary to the attention of CCMC.
Works in collaboration with the WG Convenor, the WG members and the TC Secretary.
The TC Secretary shall bring any problem regarding the support to the attention of their CEN/BT Permanent Delegate, who shall contact the CEN BT Permanent Delegate of the CEN Member providing support.