Body which controls the full standards programme and promotes its speedy execution by the Technical Committees (TC), the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC), and other bodies.
General Assembly (AG), through the Vice-President Technical, and Administrative Board (CA) as appropriate.
3.1 Decides on all matters concerning the organization, the working procedures, coordination and planning of standards work.
3.2 Approves CEN technical policies and strategies.
3.3 Examines and decides on proposals for new projects.
3.4 Approves TC business plans.
3.5 Imposes or releases the standstill obligations.
3.6 Takes decisions on standardization issues if a solution is requested by a technical body under a "management by exception principle".
3.7 Coordinates work between technical bodies in order to achieve a coherent set of standards and to avoid overlaps.
3.8 Organizes technical liaison with intergovernmental organizations, international organizations or European trade, professional, technical and scientific organizations.
3.9 Considers and rules upon appeals.
3.10 Undertakes any task with regard to standards work as may be specifically requested by the AG or CA.
4.1 Voting rights are restricted to CEN members.
4.2 Decisions are taken by simple majority voting except:
Technical Board (BT) members are appointed by the CEN Members.
Meetings are convened by CCMC upon instructions of the Chairperson or at the request of at least two Members.
Most of the issues are dealt by the decision-making by correspondence route.
Rapporteurs are granted the formal option to request that a BT decision submitted by correspondence of importance to their sector, be discussed at a BT meeting.