This page specifies the actions required to prepare, approve, publish and update a Technical Report (CEN/TR).
1.1 The BT or TC decides to develop a CEN/TR and allocates the work (e.g. to a TC/WG).
The CEN/TR is included as a work item in the work programme.
The decision to develop a CEN/TR may be the result of a failure to gain consensus/approval of a draft European Standard (prEN) or a draft Technical Specification (FprCEN/TS).
1.2 Within the agreed timeframe, the drafting body either:
1.3 The TC Secretary submits the FprCEN/TR via the Submission Interface in the relevant reference language version to CCMC for processing in two electronic formats, an agreed revisable WORD file (use of the CEN simple template is obligatory) and a non-revisable PDF file together with separate figure files, if any. BSI, AFNOR and DIN are automatically notified thereof.
1.4 CCMC checks that all the documentation and electronic files have been supplied and that the deliverable corresponds to the database records.
1.5 CCMC allocates a reference number. No translation period prior to the launch of the vote is foreseen. The relevant NSBs prepare the translation of the titles and provide CCMC with these translations prior to the launch to vote.
1.6 CCMC circulates the FprCEN/TR to all the CEN Members, the Partner Organizations, the Affiliates, the EC and EFTA Secretariat, the TC Chairperson and the TC Secretary. This is done via E-Trans, Projex-Online and (h)APIs on a weekly basis.
1.7 During the vote, the CEN Members submit their vote and their comments, prepared using the Commenting Form on the E-Balloting platform on Livelink within the prescribed 3-month period. The CEN Members are required to cast unconditional votes and to justify any abstention or negative vote. In exceptional cases, an extension of one month may be allowed. Such requests shall be sent to
The E-balloting system automatically closes the vote once the deadline is reached. One business day after the deadline of the Vote, CCMC establishes the voting report, compiles the comments and dispatches both the voting report and the comments via E-Trans, Projex-Online, and (h)APIs to the CEN Members, the Partner Organizations, the Affiliates, the EC and EFTA Secretariat, the TC Chairperson and TC Secretary.
1.8 If the FprCEN/TR is approved, CCMC (in consultation with the TC Secretary) incorporates the editorial changes in the reference language version. The finalized text is sent by CCMC to the TC Secretary for a 3-week proofing period.
NOTE: By default CCMC is responsible for finalizing the publication of all CEN/TR deliverables. The Technical Committee may exceptionally finalize the publication text but only following notification to CCMC, and agreement therewith, of its intention to take onboard this responsibility.
If, during the voting period, comments are received that request an alteration of the technical content of the (F)prCEN/TR, the CCMC Publications Unit will not take these into account. The CCMC Publications Unit will only implement purely editorial comments. No technical changes shall be made to the text following a positive approval procedure. The TC shall take into account any technical comments in a future revision of the text.
Exactly one month after a positive voting result has been circulated, the text is considered ratified (dor = date of ratification).
1.9 If the FprCEN/TR is not approved, a decision is taken by the responsible body to redraft the FprCEN/TR (go back to 1.2) or to stop the work.
1.10 Once the approval of the TC Secretary is received following the 3 week proofing period, CCMC dispatches the CEN/TR to the CEN Members, the Associates, the Affiliates, the EC and EFTA Secretariat, the TC Chairperson and the TC Secretary. This is done via E-Trans, Projex-Online, and (h)APIs on a weekly basis. No translation period prior to publication is foreseen, however any incoming translations to CCMC are circulated at the next available opportunity.
1.11 The CEN/TR is not amended but replaced by a new edition with the same number and new date of edition. Corrigenda are possible.
1.12 It is recommended that Technical Reports are regularly reviewed by the responsible Technical Body to ensure that they remain valid.
When a text is delivered to CCMC for the relevant stage it is allocated to a CCMC Editor for handling in line with the CEN-CENELEC Translation Procedure. The name and contact details are available in the work item details on Projex Online.
You will be able to see the planned balloting dates and DAV on Projex online.