Person who provides overall leadership and management of a Technical Committee (TC).
TC and Technical Board
3.1 Supports the TC Secretariat in preparing, obtaining approval and maintaining the Business Plan (if existing) and manages its periodic review process.
3.2 Ensures that the TC works in accordance with the agreed TC Business Plan (if existing) and achieves its objectives and timescales.
3.3 Ensures that a clear task is given to each Working Group (WG) including detailed specifications and planning for the standards that are to be drafted.
3.4 Ensures coordination of the work of the TC and its WGs, monitors implementation of decisions and the application of procedures to ensure appropriate progress, initiates action as required, e.g. in the event of target dates not being met.
3.5 Conducts meetings in an impartial manner guiding and controlling the meeting in order to reach balanced and prompt decisions, ensuring that all material points of view are heard and considered, and clearly summarizing points to avoid misunderstandings and the possibility of reopening debate at a later stage.
Ensures that all TC decisions are clearly formulated.
3.6 Secures consensus, when unanimity is not obtainable.
3.7 In conjunction with the Secretary, approves WG drafts (without commenting on the technical details, which is the responsibility of the WG) prior to dispatch for Enquiry.
3.8 With the agreement of the Chair of the BT, represents CEN at meetings of other organizations to give technical advice on subjects within the scope of the TC.
3.9 Acts impartially at all times, divesting himself from any national point of view.
The Chairperson has no voting rights.
Appointed by the TC (delegated Decision) on the nomination of the TC Secretariat for a period not exceeding 6 years.
Successive extensions of not more than 3 years are possible.
Works in collaboration with the TC Secretary.