Group, established by a Technical Committee (TC) or Subcommittee (SC), that develops (a) draft deliverable(s) in the context of the scope and work programme of the parent body.
It works within clearly defined policy guidelines from its parent body. On completion of its task, the Working Group (WG) is disbanded by decision of the parent body.
Its parent body (TC or SC)
3.1 The WG drafts documents in accordance with the work specifications, guidelines and time schedule provided by the parent body and in accordance with CEN drafting rules.
NOTE: The framework provided by the parent body shall describe clearly the requested work, specifying exactly what is to be covered and what is not. In case of doubt, the Convenor shall ask for clarification from the parent body.
3.2 As required by the parent body, the WG is involved in the resolution of comments following the CEN Enquiry and, if necessary, updates the draft.
3.3 The WG provides technical advice to the parent body as required.
The WG members are individual experts.
- They act in a personal capacity.
- They commit to provide the group with the best advice based on their knowledge and expertise.
- They inform the working group of any circumstance affecting the draft standards in development (risks, patents …).
- They commit to abide by relevant CEN rules, in particular the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations.
- The WG members are invited to keep close contact with the CEN Member of their home country. In particular, WG members are requested to be aware of national positions held at the parent body level.
- A Convenor;
- Professional Standardization Support or Qualified Support which may include a Secretariat to the WG;
- Individual experts appointed by CEN Members;
- experts appointed by organizations having observers status in the parent body in accordance with CEN-CENELEC Guide 25, including representatives of the European Commission and EFTA;
- CEN Affiliates and CEN Partner Standardization Bodies having observer status in the parent body.
6.1 Individual technical experts are appointed as WG members by CEN Members or by organizations which have observer status in the parent body.
NOTE: experts confirm their national affiliation, appointing body, employer and sponsor (if the employer is not the sponsor) when signing the CEN List of Participants.
6.2 It is recommended that the WG is reasonably sized.
- Working by correspondence;
- meetings when needed;
- web meetings;
- circulation of documents solely by using the electronic platform agreed by BT;
- Working groups may self-organize internally into subsets of experts (e.g. ad-hoc groups, task groups, project groups, etc.) for specified purposes (to be documented by the WG) and for a limited duration. These sub-groups shall be disbanded by the working groups upon completion of their tasks. Before a decision to create a sub-group is taken, the option of proposing a new working group instead shall be taken into consideration and considered as a preference.
The following rules have to be respected when subgroups are established:
- the WG agrees on the sub-group membership which is strictly restricted to members of the WG;
- for the purpose of transparency, the parent WG shall:
- create a sub-folder under the members' upload area on 'CEN Documents' for each sub-group,
- make available, in the sub-folder, all working documents and the members' list of the sub-group;
- each sub-group shall report to the parent WG;
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the WG Convenor/Secretary to upload the documents on the relevant folders .