Person who leads the activities of a Working Group (WG).
Its parent body (Technical Committee (TC) or Subcommittee (SC)).
3.1 The WG Convenor is responsible for the activities of a WG established by a TC (or SC) to undertake a specific task: the preparation of one or more draft standard(s) according to the specifications set by the TC and within the specified timeframe.
In this respect, the work specifications and guidelines provided by the TC shall describe clearly the requested work, specifying exactly what is to be covered and what is not. In case of doubt, the WG Convenor is responsible for seeking clarification from the TC.
3.2 The WG Convenor accepts these work specifications, having also evaluated that the WG composition as nominated by the TC or by CEN Members (balanced expertise from involved parties which are in touch with NSBs), is appropriate for the completion of the required work within the specified timeframe.
3.3 Convenes meetings when necessary and acts as Chairperson of the Working Group.
3.4 Ensures relevant documents are circulated to WG experts using the electronic platform as agreed by BT.
3.5 Actively progresses work and reports regularly on progress to the parent body or verbally at meetings of the parent body.
3.6 Ensures that WG experts have appropriate briefing on relevant rules and procedures.
3.7 Ensures that an interim draft has been sent to the TC Secretary at least once during the drafting process.
3.8 Operates the exploitation rights assignment system including:
3.9 Participates in the Editing Committee, if required.
3.10 Judges the state of readiness of draft standards for Enquiry including the quality of the technical content and the level of consensus within the WG, prior to their release to the TC Chairperson and Secretary.
3.11 Refers any problems encountered to the parent body.
Receives Professional Standardization Support which may include a Secretary to the WG.
Appointed by the TC on the nomination of the TC members for a period not exceeding 6 years.
Successive extensions of not more than 3 years are possible.
Nominations are required to be accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the applicants and an indication of their commitment to their responsibilities and duties.
In case the Convenor wishes to resign from their position they shall first inform the CEN Member providing PSS or Qualified Support and subsequently the TC Secretary. For appointing a new Convenor the procedure as described in 5.1 applies.
For re-appointing a convenor a TC decision is sufficient. However the TC secretary needs to seek the agreement of the CEN Member already providing PSS or Qualified Support (see last but one bullet in 5.1).
Works with the help of a PSS or Qualified Support (which may include a Secretary to the WG) from own National Standards Body (NSB) or if not available from another NSB.
It is recommended that a checklist is used as a sort of trilateral service agreement between the TC Secretariat, the WG Convenor and the CEN Member providing the WG's PSS or Qualified Support. As such, the TC Secretariat, the WG Convenor and the WG's PSS or Qualified Support are free to discuss and agree upon assignment of tasks and may alter some "non-mandatory" assignments according to the rules as given in the checklist by mutual consent.