This page specifies the actions required to receive, log, evaluate and decide on proposals for new standards projects and to communicate the decisions taken.
1.3.1 The originator sends a 'New activity field proposal' form to CCMC.
1.3.2 CCMC registers the proposal and determines if the proposed new work falls within the scope of an existing CEN/TC.
If the proposed new work does fall within the scope of an existing CEN/TC, CCMC sends the proposal to the Secretariat of that CEN/TC and informs the originator thereof. The CEN/TC follows the process as described in the Guidance document 'Programming of the work of a CEN Technical Committee'.
If the proposed work does not fall within the scope of an existing CEN/TC, CCMC circulates the 'New activity field proposal' form to the Technical Board (BT) with a proposal for decision, including in most cases, a proposal to create a new TC. This is done in accordance with the procedure 'Treatment of BT Decisions taken by correspondence', but with a 3-month voting period instead of a 4 weeks voting period as stipulated in the procedure.
BT Members are requested to state explicitly, by means of the commenting field provided in the BT balloting tool, whether or not they are committed to participate in the work.
1.3.3 After the voting period, CCMC examines the table of replies and the received comments and checks whether the following acceptance criteria are met:
If one or more of these criteria are not met, the proposal is rejected.
If a fundamental disagreement is received on the draft BT Decision, the decision on the proposal is postponed until the following BT or BT/TCMG meeting where a Decision shall be taken.
1.3.4 If the criteria for acceptance of the proposal are fulfilled, the proposed BT Decision is adopted and the TC is created.
1.4.1 The 'New Work Item proposal' form is sent to the Secretary of the relevant TC.
1.4.2 The TC Secretary considers whether the proposed new work item falls within the scope of the TC.
If the proposed new work item does not fall within the scope of the TC, the TC refers the proposal to CCMC for reintroduction of the new work item using an alternative route.
If the proposed new work item falls within the scope of the TC, the TC Secretary deals with the proposal in accordance with the guidance document 'Adoption of new work in a CEN/TC'.
1.4.3 After the voting period, the TC Secretary checks whether the following acceptance criteria are met:
If one or more of these criteria are not met, the proposal is rejected.
1.4.4 When the conditions for the adoption of a new work item are fulfilled, the TC takes a Decision (in accordance with the process for Delegated Decisions) in order to include a new work item in its programme of work.
NOTE The Decision relates to the addition of a new work item to result in an EN, a CEN/TS or a CEN/TR within the relevant timeframe.
Through decision BT 17/2021, CEN BT delegated to CEN TCs the decision to allow transposition of ISO/TS or ISO/TR into CEN ISO/TS or CEN ISO/TR respectively. For such cases, a justification is mandatory in the NWI proposal form.
1.4.5 The TC Secretary registers the new work item in the CEN database (via the PROJEX-ONLINE application) where a stage code is attributed to each milestone of the development process.
NOTE: Standardization requests are developed and approved in line with the related Guidance document.
If the work programme and requested NWIPs are clearly identified in the standardization request, they shall be accepted together with the standardization request by BT.
In order to allow that, TCs need to discuss and agree on the relevant NWIPs during the development of the standardization request (in the frame of the ad-hoc group for this standardization request). The NWIPs will be submitted to BT for decision together with the final draft of the standardization request. If NWIPs are not accepted together with the standardization request, they shall be approved by the relevant TC following the process described in 1.4.