This document specifies the actions required to prepare the definitive text of a European Standard (EN) and to dispatch it to the CEN Members (and others). It also lists the actions required from the CEN Members to implement the EN in accordance with the Internal Regulations.
1.1 On receipt of:
CCMC prepares the final text within 5 weeks.
CCMC directly corrects obvious editorial errors and errors introduced by CCMC itself in the preparation of the final draft. All other comments will be retained for the next review and will be recorded by CCMC on the Commenting Form as “noted for future consideration”.
NOTE: An obvious editorial error is an editorial error that is recognized as such immediately and without any doubt, both by the CCMC editor and the TC Secretary. Absence of the aforementioned condition disqualifies the requested changes for direct editorial correction.
1.2 The finalized text is sent by CCMC to the TC Secretary for a 2-week proofing period. In exceptional cases, upon simple request TC request, the TC proofing period can be extended by 1 week, i.e. 3 weeks in total. During the holiday period, i.e. proofing requests sent between 1 and 31 December and between 15 June and 15 August, the TC proofing period is extended of 2 additional weeks.
If requested by the TC/SC Secretary, CCMC sends the draft for TC proofing in copy also to the WG convenor and project leader (if any), provided that the name(s) and e-mail address(es) were previously indicated by the TC/SC Secretary. The WG Convenor and project leader (if any) shall provide the input to the TC/SC Secretary, who is responsible for the final submission to CCMC. The comments shall be restricted to obvious editorial errors and errors introduced by CCMC in the preparation of the draft.
Technical changes aiming to correct errors and thus avoid a deficient standard can only be made following the procedure according to decision BT 48/2014 (i.e. technical changes undergo BT approval).
The TC shall take into account any technical comments in a future amendment or revision of the text.
At the end of the TC proofing period, in case of no response, CCMC shall, by default, proceed to the next steps in the finalization process, i.e. translation and/or immediate publication.
CCMC shall inform the TC Secretary and secretariat accordingly:
NOTE: In case of any problems, CCMC is encouraged to directly contact the TC secretariat.
1.3 Exactly one month after a positive voting result on FprEN has been circulated or the decision to skip Formal Vote has been submitted via the Projex-Online Working area (allowing the text to proceed to publication), the text is considered ratified (dor = date of ratification).
1.4 At the end of the TC proofing CCMC sends the 'stable' and approved reference language version (without official title pages) via E-Trans to the relevant National Standards Bodies (NSB) for translation.
1.5 The relevant NSBs prepare the translations and return them via E-Trans to CCMC within 4 weeks.
In case the translation is not available, the relevant NSBs will supply the translation of the titles.
1.6 CCMC distributes the definitive text of the approved European Standard (EN) in the available language version(s) to the CEN Members, the Partner Organizations, the Affiliates, the EC and EFTA Secretariat, the TC Chairperson and the TC Secretary (dav – date of availability). This is done via E-Trans, (h)APIs and Projex-Online.
Late incoming translations to CCMC are circulated at the next available opportunity.
1.7 The CEN Members announce the existence of the EN at national level within the defined timeframe (doa – date of announcement, equals dav + 3 months).
1.8 The CEN Members implement the EN at national level by giving it the status of a national standard within the defined timeframes:
1.9 The CEN Member dispatches the relevant information (i.e. notification of national translation and implementation means) to CCMC via iProjex.
When a text is delivered to CCMC for the relevant stage it is allocated to a CCMC Editor for handling in line with the CEN-CENELEC Translation Procedure. The name and contact details are available in the work item details on Projex Online.
You will be able to see the planned dav (date of availability) and dop (date of publication) on Projex online.